Octave and Mary Jo Levenspiel


Tavy’s Retirement Party

When Tavy retired in 1991, his family and friends threw him a surprise party at a restaurant in downtown Corvallis. He was totally surprised. Tavy had just recently recovered from a bad case of shingles all across his back, but he didn’t cringe noticeably when folks would congratulate him with a big hug or pat on the back.

A message was sent out to all of Octave’s colleagues, students and friends that he was retiring and if they couldn’t attend the party, but wanted to send best wishes, to please fax them beginning the night before the party. Keith Levien (son-in-law) was in charge of the faxes and had to check on the machine throughout the night because so many faxes came in, they overflowed the tray and piled up on the floor.

If you would like to read some of these please check out the links below.

Faxes from: Friends & Family  |  Foreign Colleagues  |  Undergraduate Students  |  Graduate Students  |  Past Colleagues  |  US Chem. Eng. Depts.  |  Industry